Diamond Unicorn
Diamond Unicorn
Here we have an astonishing burst of light and when we wait for its diamond hardness and crystalline sharpness to hit us, we suddenly find ourselves wrapped in the warmest softest embrace. And then suddenly we get that this level of light never needs to be harsh. It can be so gentle because nothing can threaten it. This is true power and because it senses itself as that it does not need anything hard to describe it.
Traditionally the Unicorn is symbolic of the Christ energy and with this essence we feel that sense of the gentle power that Christ had that could say, "Love your enemy" and "Turn the other cheek". Why would we need to defend ourselves against anything if our power is this vast?
The Diamond Unicorn connects to pure, true, clarity that is so high that nothing negative can exist in its light and therefore it can be soft and gentle.
This essence will be most helpful when we need clarity in situations of power struggle. It will put us in a place where we can see with the clarity and purity of the Christ and know that all aggression is only a response from the part of us that feels small.
Because this essence is so gentle it goes into the places where we generally do not let anything in and so have been able to hide it from ourselves. It will allow healing of all the places in ourselves that we have been too scared to face. In the embrace of this gentle essence we can relax and let go and find the true and tender light that has always been hidden within us. This gentle energy is what true power is about. Like a diamond it is indestructable and once we connect with it we can never forget what it is and how easy it is to be this. Try it, you'll like it.