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Transformational Services
This is the art of aligning the flow of energy - within you, within your spaces at home & work - to positively impact & expand your life, health, wealth, relationships, mood & wellbeing.
We are here to create harmonious, balanced spaces intuitively and consciously. Deepen your intricate relationship with self & space on many different levels

Spiritual Design Consultancy
A soulful, empathic approach to interior design. Beyond the aesthetics we also look at how your re:designed space will impact you physically, emotionally, spiritually and psychologically. There is powerful healing in the design process and powerful healing from a holistic, balanced home or workspace.

Energy Space Clearing
A somatic, soulful approach to changing the energy of your space. Your home or workspace reveals a lot about you, your life & business. Bring the conscious awareness to the subconscious to enable change and more energetic space within & around you. Your physical spaces offer transformation.

Mentoring & Teaching
Home is the body. Not just the physical spaces around you. Are you ready to reprogram what you are unconsciously continually creating? Energy clearing with colour is fun, gentle & supportive. You have the power to change from within. Create harmony for you in every now moment